It is critical to develop your psychological flexibility before your psychedelic experience.
Your psychedelic experience is fluid and dynamic. Your psychedelic experience potentially shines a spotlight on both your bright and dark sides. Your psychedelic experience can be impacted by the rigidity to which you hold on to your intentions, expectations, and goals. The more psychologically flexible you are, the more open to the psychedelic experience you will be, the more accepting of unwanted feelings or thoughts that might arise during the psychedelic experience, and the more likely your intention will manifest. Psychological flexibility can help you avoid a “bad trip” because you are resisting what may come up during your psychedelic experience.
Through the FIT-60, modern psychology can actually measure how psychologically flexible you are.
This validated tool has sixty questions to help determine your psychological flexibility along with how you score on six subscales of the ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) Hexaflex model.
Note: Complete the FIT-60 Assessment BEFORE your psychedelic experience. Work with a coach or counselor to identify and integrate strategies that can increase your psychological flexibility (share your FIT-60 results with them). Then, take the FIT-60 again to measure your progress.